5 Signs to know if your child needs glasses

Kids can’t convey effectively if their vision is poor,hence guardians go for quite a long time without understanding their problem. The following are red flag indicators in a child that indicates the need for spectacles. Squinting (eyes drifting inwards or outwards) can be an indication that your kid has a refractive error (power in eyes),… Continue reading 5 Signs to know if your child needs glasses

How to get rid of spectacles

Tips to get rid of spectacles after Lasik Surgery We’ve assembled a few points to consider in case you want freedom from eyeglasses. LASIK procedure can be a good option. LASIK, which represents laser in-situ keratomileusis, is a well-known medical procedure that can correct vision problems in people with myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism. You don’t… Continue reading How to get rid of spectacles

Categorized as LASIK

Eye Pain Reason | Treatment | Eye-Q Hospital

Eye Pain Reason: Eye pain can affect people of all age groups. Eye pain can occur to any part of the organ, from the orbit (socket) of the eye to the pupil, sclera, eyelids, cornea, nerve endings, etc. It is not necessary that eye pain is always a serious cause of concern. Sometimes, your eyes… Continue reading Eye Pain Reason | Treatment | Eye-Q Hospital

Importance of eye care during pollution

Air pollution has a negative impact on all organs of the human body including the lungs and the heart. Being one of the most sensitive organs of our body, our eyes are always at a higher risk because of continuous exposure to the toxins in air pollution. India is ranked 21 among the World’s 30… Continue reading Importance of eye care during pollution

How to get rid of spectacles

We’ve assembled a few points to consider in case you want freedom from eyeglasses. LASIK Surgery can be a good option. LASIK, which represents laser in-situ keratomileusis, is a well-known medical procedure that can correct vision problems in people with myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism. You don’t have to wear glasses or contacts after LASIK. It is… Continue reading How to get rid of spectacles

Don’t neglect your cataract: consequences of untreated cataracts

Don’t neglect your cataract: consequences of untreated cataracts Cataract surgery is a routine and safe operation that removes the clouded lens and replaces it with a new artificial lens that is clear, the artificial lens implant improves and restores eyesight. Laser-assisted technology is often used to achieve this. When to have cataract surgery? A cataract… Continue reading Don’t neglect your cataract: consequences of untreated cataracts

Don’t neglect your Cataract Surgery

Cataract surgery is a routine and safe operation that removes the clouded lens and replaces it with a new artificial lens that is clear; the artificial lens implant improves and restores eyesight. Laser-assisted technology is often used to achieve this. When to have cataract surgery? A cataract occurs most commonly due to age-related changes in… Continue reading Don’t neglect your Cataract Surgery

Signs of eye care emergencies that should not be ignored

Some eye side effects address basic crises and require quick clinical consideration from an ophthalmologist. Continuously check with your eye doctor if you have any questions or concerns. List of eye emergencies: Eye Injury On the off chance that you get hit or jabbed in the eye, you might have a scratched cornea. After the… Continue reading Signs of eye care emergencies that should not be ignored

Know all about Squint/Strabismus

What is squint? Squint is a condition of misalignment of eyes with respect to one another. The 2 eyes fail to coordinate with each other, with one eye focusing in one direction and the other eye in another. Hence the brain suppresses one of the eyes to avoid double vision or overlapping vision. Simply put,… Continue reading Know all about Squint/Strabismus

Know how you can use your eyeglasses for a longer time

Eyeglasses are your support system of a kind, so it is no surprise that you want them to last long. This is imperative to guarantee that your eyes have definitive security. So, how might you expand the lifespan of your glasses? Try not to put the glasses on top of your head While it might… Continue reading Know how you can use your eyeglasses for a longer time

Know how Glaucoma can be treated

What is the meaning of Glaucoma? Glaucoma is a medical condition wherein sustained eye pressure leads to damage of the optic nerve (the nerve that connects the eye to the brain). If not treated timely, glaucoma can lead to total or permanent vision loss. It is the second leading cause of blindness and the most… Continue reading Know how Glaucoma can be treated

5 reasons why one should wear sunglasses while going outdoors

Our eyes are delicate and sensitive. Prolonged exposure to sun, heat, ultraviolet (UV) rays and dust has a lot of harmful effects on the eyes. Light coloured eyes are especially prone to cancer-inducing harmful effects of UV rays. Hence it is important to protect your eyes from these environmental factors. But, How? The answer is… Continue reading 5 reasons why one should wear sunglasses while going outdoors

Nutrient-rich foods for eye health

Do you consume the right amount of nutrients needed to prevent any eye illnesses? Read on to know about some of the nutrient-rich foods to improve vision and keep your eyes healthy. However, don’t rely on popping a pill to get these supplements – your best source of the required diet is natural home-based food.… Continue reading Nutrient-rich foods for eye health

5 reasons why your parents need an eye check-up today!

Eyes are delicate and nowadays, are exposed to a lot of screen time, environmental pollution, and ultraviolet rays. With ageing, the eyes require better care. The question that pops up in our minds is “Why should we take our parents for eye check-ups?” Well, let us try and answer this question with simple scientific points.… Continue reading 5 reasons why your parents need an eye check-up today!

6 ways to protect your eyes from air pollution!

AQI in dwindling between ‘poor’ to ‘worse’ causing physical and medical problems. Air pollution is among the top causes of various ailments seen in all age groups. Our eyes are sensitive to air quality with maximum exposure to the air, hence are prone to allergies and irritation caused by air pollutants. The following are common… Continue reading 6 ways to protect your eyes from air pollution!

Busting 5 common myths about cataract

Cataracts are one of the most common causes of vision loss all around the world. So, if you have cloudy vision, it might be a cataract. There are many misconceptions about cataracts including their treatment and prevention. Here’s a myth-buster to learn about cataracts and its treatment. Myth 1: Cataract only affects the aged Fact:… Continue reading Busting 5 common myths about cataract

Everything You Need To Know About Eyecare in times of COVID

Eyecare in times of COVID.  Ever since the pandemic started, we are advised to maintain social distancing, this leads to a huge shift to a digital era. From digital shopping to work from home, online classes, and zoom meetings the screen time is increased drastically. This leads to an increase in various unwellness such as… Continue reading Everything You Need To Know About Eyecare in times of COVID

आपको मोतियाबिंद की सर्जरी को क्यों नहीं टालना चाहिए?

क्या आपको पढ़ने की आदत है और आप इस अच्छी आदत को हमेशा के लिए छोड़ना चाहते हैं? क्या आपको ड्राइविंग करना पसंद है और आप अपनी लापरवाही के कारण ड्राइविंग को अलविदा कहना चाहते हैं? आप इस सुंदर दुनिया को नहीं देखना चाहते हैं? जी हां, ऐसा सच भी हो सकता है यदि आप… Continue reading आपको मोतियाबिंद की सर्जरी को क्यों नहीं टालना चाहिए?

Farsightedness (Hyperopia): Symptoms, Causes, Treatments

Farsightedness (Hyperopia): Symptoms, Causes, Treatments A person suffering from farsightedness can see things far clearly but has a blurry vision when looking at closer objects. It is also known as hyperopia. A refractive disorder where the eye cannot focus correctly, farsightedness has a prevalence rate of 9.90%. It mostly happens to people of the age… Continue reading Farsightedness (Hyperopia): Symptoms, Causes, Treatments

Retinopathy of prematurity | Magnitude, Causes, Signs, Treatments

What is ROP (Retinopathy of prematurity) : ROP is a potentially blinding disorder. Infants who are born before 38 weeks of gestation (pregnancy) are premature babies. In such babies, the blood vessels that feed the retina haven’t finished growing. Retinopathy of prematurity happens when, for some time, these stop growing, and then there is a… Continue reading Retinopathy of prematurity | Magnitude, Causes, Signs, Treatments

Cataract Surgery: Why second eye Cataract surgery is important? 

Cataract Surgery Important: Cataract surgery of the second eye improves the overall quality of life, Cataract surgery is a simple, quick, and very effective procedure while the recovery period is also short and pain-free. As a result of this, most patients who undergo Cataract surgery for one eye want to go in for surgery in… Continue reading Cataract Surgery: Why second eye Cataract surgery is important? 

मोतियाबिंद को गंभीर अवस्था में ना पहुंचने दें। अपनी आंखों को बचाएं

क्या आपको ऐसा महसूस हो रहा है कि आपको चीजें धुंधली दिखाई दे रही हैं?, क्या आपको ऐसा लगता है कि जो चीजें आपको पहले स्पष्ट रूप से दिखाई पड़ती थीं, वही अब थोड़ी धुंधला दिखाई दे रही है? अगर सही में आप ऐसा ही महसूस कर रहे हैं तो यह मोतियाबिंद का लक्षण हो… Continue reading मोतियाबिंद को गंभीर अवस्था में ना पहुंचने दें। अपनी आंखों को बचाएं

Importance of Regular Retina Test | Eye-Q

Importance of Regular Retina Test: Our eyes are precious; it gives us the gift of sight. Without our eyes carrying out even the most primary functions of our daily lives becomes challenging. However, like any other organ of our body, eyes are likely to undergo a malfunction due to several factors which is why it… Continue reading Importance of Regular Retina Test | Eye-Q

All About Cataract | Symptoms, Doctors, Treatments

All About Cataract Treatment: For people with cataract, the world is like looking through a foggy window which makes it difficult to read, drive cars, and do normal day to day activities. But what exactly is a cataract? Well, in simple words, a cataract is a cloudy patch that forms over the lens of the… Continue reading All About Cataract | Symptoms, Doctors, Treatments


Digital Eye Strain: Computer vision syndrome (CVS) or digital eye strain is a known group of vision-related problems that happen because of prolonged use of digital screens including computers, mobile devices, tablets, and e-book readers. The extent of the problem is directly related to the hours of digital screen usage. This is a very common… Continue reading DIGITAL EYE STRAIN – A HIDDEN EPIDEMIC WORSENED BY THE LOCK DOWN

Eye care and COVID-19 pandemic

Protect your Eyes! Eye care and COVID-19 pandemic Protecting your hands, mouths and even your eyes can have a great impact on slowing the spread of coronavirus. When a person infected with the coronavirus speaks or coughs, there are droplets formed through which the virus can be transmitted from one person to the other. These… Continue reading Eye care and COVID-19 pandemic

Blindness: Causes and Types | Eye-Q Hospital

Blindness is the inability to see anything with your eyes, even light. This loss in vision could be due to an injury or accident. A person with partial blindness has limited vision. It must be noted that the term blindness is used in the relative form and for a person with visual impairment or low… Continue reading Blindness: Causes and Types | Eye-Q Hospital

Coronavirus and Eye Care Tips

Working from home because of COVID-19? Here are few tips to take care of your eyes during these difficult times. As many of us working from home to help slow down the spread of  Coronavirus, many of us have realized that we are spending more time on screens (either watching new movies on netflix or… Continue reading Coronavirus and Eye Care Tips

All about Cataract | Cataract Surgeries

Do you feel everything around is blurred – is it similar to looking through a foggy window? It could be Cataract! A condition in which the lens of the eye becomes cloudy and interferes with normal vision, Cataract is a normal consequence of ageing and develops gradually. However, certain diseases such as diabetes and high… Continue reading All about Cataract | Cataract Surgeries

Everything You Need To Know About Allergic conjunctivitis

Allergic conjunctivitis affects the conjunctiva. It is the inflammation caused by an allergic reaction to substances like pollens and mold spores. The membrane inside your eyelids conjunctiva is sensitive to allergens. It is a common type of eye infection. It is a bodily reaction to outside and harmful potential threats. The body tends to protect… Continue reading Everything You Need To Know About Allergic conjunctivitis

Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) | Symptoms & Treatment

What is AMD? Age-related macular degeneration (AMD or ARMD) is a chronic, age-related, degenerative disease of the macula. The macula is a very small and specialized area in the center of the retina (the inner light-sensitive layer of the eye) that maintains the central vision and allows one to see fine details. So while the… Continue reading Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) | Symptoms & Treatment