Squint Surgery in Eye-Q Hospital

  • Know About Squint Surgery
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Know About Squint Surgery

Squint (Strabismus) is present in about 4% of children across the globe. Squint is the misalignment of the eye where the two eyes are pointed in different directions. This may be hereditary, which can be due to poor development of eye muscle, injury, and several other reasons. Early treatment can rectify the essential and normal visual development. EYE-Q hospitals have experienced eye doctors for a child’s evaluation and squint treatment. Below are some of the common types of squint and that can be treated.


Infantile esotropia: when a baby or young child has eyes that cross inward commonly referred to as “crossed eyes". Early detection and examination should always be done in a fun atmosphere to maintain the child’s attention. Corneal light reflex tests can help estimate the angle of deviation.


Accommodative esotropia: The most common type of strabismus in children over 2 years old. One eye may turn inward (toward the nose) when focusing on a close-up or distant object. This may cause blurred vision. Initially, the prescription of eyeglasses is given to correct the patient’s refractive error. The eyes can relax their focusing or accommodative effort.


Exotropia: In this, one eye turns outward when looking at something far away. This can happen sometimes when a child is tired, sick, or daydreaming. A child might also squint with one eye in bright sunlight. Although glasses and/or patching therapy, exercises, or prisms may reduce or help control the outward turning eye in some children, surgery is often required.

Having Global Presence

Delhi | Uttar Pradesh | Gujarat | Haryana | Uttarakhand | Nigeria

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  • 70+ Specialists



  • 75 Lakhs+ Patients Treated

    75 Lakhs+

    Patients Treated

At Eye-Q, the pricing of the Squint surgery is pretty affordable. Eye patients get hassle-free treatment with Easy EMI options. Avail our cashless facilities. We treat 1500+ eye patients everyday in our multiple branches in India

Affordable Squint Surgery Treatment With Latest Technology

Fully equipped with high-end technology & contemporary devices including direct/ indirect ophthalmoscopy, Keratometry, Ocular ultrasound. Our advanced treatment is:

  • Safe & Secured

    Safe & secured

  • Up to the mark

  • Cost Effective


Reasons to Choose Eye-Q

Choosing Eye-Q Super-Speciality hospital can be the best decision because our hospital is run & supervised by experienced eye surgeons. They are acquainted with high-end technologies and implement them to deliver the best outcomes. The application of progressive technologies makes surgery minimally invasive yet precise.






Hassle Free
Insurance Approvals

Easy EMI

Highly Experience

Medicine and
Optical Delivery

Consult the doctor if

  • Misalignment of Eyes

    Misalignment of eyes

  • Blurred Vision

    Poor or blurred vision

  • Improper Visual Development

    Improper visual development

Frequently Asked Questions

What is crossed eyes?

When a young child has eyes which cross inward direction, known as crossed eyes. It can be cured to early detection, diagnosis, and treatment. Ophthalmologists generally treat it with the help of Corneal light reflex test.

Squint Surgery Specialist

Eye-Q hospital has highly experienced Squint surgery specialists. They have profound knowledge and over a decade of experience in this relevant field. our topmost priority is the comfort & well-being of patients. We have successfully treated more than 1 crore patients within 17 years