Ocular Migrane: (आँख माइग्रेन) Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

Ocular migraines affect the retina in your eye. Also known as visual, retinal, ophthalmic, or monocular (one eye) migraines, this is a rare disorder and is known to affect 1 in every 200 people suffering from migraines. The prevalence rate of the disease is 45.69%. It mostly affects people in the age group of 20… Continue reading Ocular Migrane: (आँख माइग्रेन) Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

Everything You Need To Know About Eye Emergencies

Eye Emergencies

An eye emergency is any condition, infection, or injury to the eye that needs immediate treatment and attention. Eye emergencies can be different for everybody. But generally, it is an emergency when there is bleeding or discharge from around the eye. If there is a bruised eye, decreased vision, double vision, you also have eye… Continue reading Everything You Need To Know About Eye Emergencies

Everything You Need To Know About Crossed Eye

Crossed Eye

A crossed eye, also known as Strabismus, is a disorder in which the eyes do not look together at an object, at the same time. People suffering from this condition have a problem with the eye muscles or with the brain where the signals are processed. The prevalence rate is about 2.5%. It can be… Continue reading Everything You Need To Know About Crossed Eye

Nearsightedness (Myopia): Symptoms, Causes, Treatment


Myopia, commonly known as nearsightedness, is a refractive error that makes it difficult to focus on faraway subjects. People suffering from nearsightedness can see objects close to them clearly and see far away objects blurry. The prevalence rate of the disease is 34.60%. People in the age group of 20 to 40 are mostly affected… Continue reading Nearsightedness (Myopia): Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

Everything You Need To Know About Eye burning!

Know about Eye burning!

Eye burning when accompanied by itching and discharge is usually a sign of an eye infection. It can occur to people of all age groups. Symptoms of Eye burning To determine the common symptoms of eye-burning, notice if your eye appears red or pink, if eyelids are swollen, there is a deposit of crusts around… Continue reading Everything You Need To Know About Eye burning!

Red Eyes and Itchy too, it may be Conjunctivitis!


Pink eye, commonly known as conjunctivitis, is the swelling or redness of the conjunctiva. It is a clear membrane that turns red and itchy during any viral or bacterial infection. The prevalence rate is about 7.50%. It mostly affects young adults of age group 20 and above. Pink eye conjunctivitis causes pain, watering, irritation, and… Continue reading Red Eyes and Itchy too, it may be Conjunctivitis!

जानिए आँखों की लेज़र सर्जरी के बारे में!

Lasik Surgery in Hindi

आज के बदलते लाइफस्टाइल के साथ हर किसी की आँखों की रोशनी पर गहरा असर पड़ता दिखाई दे रहा है। एक समय था, जब चश्मा बढ़ती उम्र के लोगों को लगता था लेकिन अब 5 साल के बच्चों को भी चश्मा लग जाता है। लेकिन घबराने की कोई बात नहीं हैं क्योंकि साइंस ने इसका… Continue reading जानिए आँखों की लेज़र सर्जरी के बारे में!

मोतियाबिंद की जानकारी | All About Cataract

Cataract Treatment in Hindi

मानव के शरीर का सबसे महत्वपूर्ण अंग आँख होती है जिससे वह संसार की सभी तरह की गतिविधियों के साथ सुन्दरता का आनंद ले पाता है। लेकिन यदि आँख में ज़रा-सा भी कुछ हो जाए तो मानो जान निकल जाती है। आँखों की देखभाल बेहद आवश्यक है और बढ़ती उम्र के साथ तो ख़ासकर ध्यान… Continue reading मोतियाबिंद की जानकारी | All About Cataract

मोतियाबिंद आपके जीवन को कैसे प्रभावित कर सकता है?


Motiyabind Ke Prabhav: मोतियाबिंद वाले लोगों के लिए अक्सर दुनिया एक धुंधली खिड़की को देखने की तरह है, जहाँ पढ़ने, गाड़ी चलाने और सामान्य दिन-प्रतिदिन की गतिविधियों में मुश्किलों का सामना करना पड़ता है। लेकिन मोतियाबिंद वास्तव में क्या है? यदि सरल शब्दों में मोतियाबिंद को समझाया जाए तो इसका का अर्थ है, आंखों के… Continue reading मोतियाबिंद आपके जीवन को कैसे प्रभावित कर सकता है?

जानिए रेटिना ट्रीटमेंट के बारे में!

Retina Treatment In Hindi

मानव के शरीर के सबसे एहम हिस्सा आँख होती है, जिसमें सबसे नाज़ुक रेटिना होता है। रेटिना की मदद से हम लोग सामने होने वाली हलचल को देख और समझ पते हैं। बदलते लाइफस्टाइल और हमारी नज़रान्दाज़ करने की आदत के कारण हमारी आँखों में होने वाली समस्या बढ़ती नज़र आ रही है। उन्ही समस्याओं… Continue reading जानिए रेटिना ट्रीटमेंट के बारे में!

आँखों का भेंगापन का इलाज मुमकिन है?

Squint Eye treatment in Hindi

आँखों के रोशनी जितना ही ज़रूरी उसका साफ़ देख पाना भी होता है। उसी तरह कई लोगों की आँखों में बचपन से ही भेंगापन होता है या किसी कारण उन्हें इस समस्या से जुजना पड़ता है। जिस कारण उन्हें कई बार लोगों से बातचीत करने में झिझक होती है। लेकिन इस समस्या से किसको भी… Continue reading आँखों का भेंगापन का इलाज मुमकिन है?

Toys and Eye Safety: Mistakes And How To Avoid Them

Toys and Eye Safety

Choosing the right toys for eye safety is a concern for every parent. Children are born with an underdeveloped visual system that grows with them. As part of the normal infant vision development, newborns can see objects only up close, and toddlers and preschoolers commonly are farsighted. Also, some school-age children need eyeglasses. Throughout their growing years, children are… Continue reading Toys and Eye Safety: Mistakes And How To Avoid Them

Here’s why contact lenses are your best bet

Contact Lenses

Contact Lenses vs Glasses? Which one is your choice? While some people enjoy making a fashion statement with a variety of eyeglasses today, others still prefer their appearance without them. APART FROM COSMETIC REASONS, MEDICALLY SPEAKING, THERE ARE MANY ADVANTAGES OF CONTACT LENSES OVER SPECTACLES. AND WE HAVE GOT THE REASONS TO BELIEVE THAT: Contact… Continue reading Here’s why contact lenses are your best bet

7 Tips That Will Protect Your Eyes in Summers

Ways to protect your eyes in summer

You’ve got your sunglasses and sunscreen ready, but that’s not enough for your eyes at least. Did you know, constant sun exposure increases the risk of developing a cataract? And while your skin could protect itself against the harmful UV radiations by producing melanin, eyes have no way of developing similar tolerance! SO, IT’S BEST… Continue reading 7 Tips That Will Protect Your Eyes in Summers

6 Ways to Treat Eyes with Care this Monsoon


With the monsoon season around, not just rain, even several eye infections will be at our doorsteps, such as conjunctivitis, eye styes, etc. However, the right guidance from an expert and adequate care can play a crucial role in addressing any eye-related infection. eHEALTH collaborates with Dr. Ajay Sharma, Founder & Chief Medical Director, Eye-Q… Continue reading 6 Ways to Treat Eyes with Care this Monsoon

Hypertension and Eye Diseases: Stress Linked to Blindness

Hypertension and Eye Diseases

There is no denying the fact that life is hectic for people all over the world. Whether it is an executive in a multinational or a child studying for his examinations, stress overpowers all. They say that stress is the mother of all diseases – it can cause heart diseases, kidney failure, and even nervous breakdown.… Continue reading Hypertension and Eye Diseases: Stress Linked to Blindness

Eye Diseases: Eye problems you must not ignore

Eye Diseases

When studying science, most of us have learnt that the human eye functions like a camera and the retina acts like a film. The retina is a light sensitive tissue, which reacts to incoming light and sends the image to the brain through the optic nerve. Needless to say, any problem in the retina disrupts the… Continue reading Eye Diseases: Eye problems you must not ignore

Iris Implant Surgery can be both Cosmetic and Protective

Iris Implant Surgery

Iris Implant Surgery is a technique by which a physician changes the colour of the Iris. However, this surgery has several risk factors as per Dr. Suwarn Chetan, Oculoplasty and Phaco surgeon, Eye-Q Super-Speciality Eye Hospitals, Shalimar Bagh, Delhi. Here are excerpts from an interview Dr Chetan gave to Navdeep Nandre of DTMT: Drug Today Medical… Continue reading Iris Implant Surgery can be both Cosmetic and Protective