One Stop Solution for all eye related problems

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    The EYE-Q Advantage

    Since Inception, we’ve been offering personalized eye care to patients

    Clinical Specialities at Eye-Q

    General Eye Care

    General eye care deals with a routine check-up and common eye problems such as dry eyes, eye pain, eye infection, conjunctivitis etc. EYE-Q hospitals have a world-class infrastructure to cater to the needs of the patients. Doctors have vast experience in offering solutions to patients for eye care and treating general eye problems. Know More

    Cataract Surgery

    Cataract is a disease which mostly occurs in the elderly population. Cataract requires immediate doctor advice to get the treatment. EYE-Q hospitals offers laser automated technology for Cataract (मोतियाबिंद) operation which is a bladeless and painless method. EYE-Q doctors have successfully treated cataract patients and again brought back life to their vision. Know More

    Retina Treatment

    Retinal tearing and retinal detachment are treated using retinal surgery which is combined using laser photocoagulation and retinal freezing cryopexy techniques. EYE-Q hospitals & clinics offers treatment which is best suited to patient requirements. EYE-Q eye doctors have successfully performed retina (रेटिना) surgeries without any complications. Know More

    Lasik Surgery

    Lasik (लसिक) surgery is the best way to get rid of the eyeglasses. EYE-Q hospitals offer comprehensive detailed eye check up to check whether the patient is suitable for LASIK surgery or not. The eye check-up ensures that the patient is completely fit to undergo treatment. EYE-Q doctors have a decade of experience in performing eye surgery. Know More

    Glaucoma Treatment

    Glaucoma occurs when the optic nerve gets damaged due to intraocular pressure which can result in vision loss also depending on the severity. Doctors need to be consulted immediately for better chances of recovery. Eye-Q specialist doctors have a wide range of experience in dealing with Glaucoma which requires treatment combined with psychological counseling. Know More

    ICL Procedure

    ICL, also known as the Implantable Collamer Lens, is a type of refractive procedure to help correct the most common visual problem, myopia. ICL is a removable lens implant that is an attractive alternative to LASIK and other refractive procedures. Know More

    Squint Surgery

    Squint is a common eye error where the eyes point in different directions. Squinting could be present all the time or happen only some of the time and can happen in only one or both eyes. It is often mislead that squint eye is a permanent eye defect and cannot be treated.Know More

    Optical Services

    Optical services are offered at EYE-Q hospitals. Our experienced optometrists are professionally qualified to deliver quality services to the clients. EYE-Q has invested in faster glazing machines to offer the best spectacles and contact lenses for the patient with vision problems. Eye-Q has collaborated with Pinnacle optical Pvt Ltd. Know More

    Eye-Q Hospitals Locations

    At Eye-Q, we have specialist doctors who have extensive experience in treating eye defects and caters to the eye problems of the people. Our topmost priority is the comfort and well-being of the patients.

    Mediclaim Cashless Services

    • Appollo Munich Health Insurance
    • HDFC ERGO General Insurance
    • IFFCO Tokio General Insurance
    • ICICI Lombard Health Insurance
    • Max Bupa Health Insurance
    • ManipalCigna Health Insurance
    • Oriental Insurance
    • The New India Assurance

    Mediclaim Cashless Services can be easily availed at Eye-Q hospitals across India. Cashless mediclaim services provide flexibility of availing medical treatment by an Insured person without worrying about the Finances. Cashless mediclaim service providers offer ease to patients in case of medical emergency by settling Medical bills directly with hospitals. List of TPA (Third party administrator), Government panels and insurance companies for availing cashless Mediclaim at EYE-Q hospitals are … Read More >

    Note: Prior approval of TPA is required in case of availing cashless mediclaim. Check all the conditions and procedures insurance before availing cashless mediclaim.

    Apply Now

    • Appollo Munich Health Insurance
    • HDFC ERGO General Insurance
    • IFFCO Tokio General Insurance
    • ICICI Lombard Health Insurance
    • Max Bupa Health Insurance
    • ManipalCigna Health Insurance
    • Oriental Insurance
    • The New India Assurance

    Book An Appointment

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    9 Tips for a Smooth Recovery After Retina Surgery

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    What's Our
    Patient's Talking ?

    • Hello, I’m Soumya.
      Since childhood, I struggled with glasses and contact lenses, hindering my daily life. Last year, my -4.5 vision pushed me to consider LASIK surgery at Eye-Q.
      The experience was exceptional. The surgery was quick and painless. Afterward, I opened my eyes to a clear world without glasses. It was empowering.
      Today, a year later, I still feel the excitement of seeing without lenses. Eye-Q changed my life. Don’t hesitate—get your eyes tested and see if LASIK is right for you.
      Thank you, Eye-Q!


      Lasik Surgery’s Patient
    • मोतियाबिंद के साथ जीना मेरे लिए बहुत मुश्किल था। पढ़ने, खाना बनाने और लोगों के चेहरे पहचानने जैसे आसान काम भी कठिन हो गए थे। मेरी धुंधली नजर ने मेरा रोज़ का जीवन परेशान और सीमित कर दिया था। फिर मैंने Eye-Q के बारे में सुना, जो मोतियाबिंद सर्जरी में विशेषज्ञ है। Eye-Q में मेरी पूरी जांच हुई और मुझे सर्जरी के बारे में हर जरूरी जानकारी दी गई। उन्होंने प्रक्रिया, इसके फायदे और जोखिम को सरल भाषा में समझाया, जिससे मुझे सर्जरी का फैसला लेना आसान हो गया। सर्जरी और रिकवरी का अनुभव मेरे लिए बहुत खास रहा। मुझे आज भी याद है जब मेरी आंखों से धुंधलापन हटने लगा। हर चीज साफ दिखने लगी, रंग चमकदार हो गए और दुनिया पहले से ज्यादा खूबसूरत लगने लगी। वह पल मेरे लिए किसी जादू से कम नहीं था। मैं Eye-Q की पूरी टीम की शुक्रगुजार हूं, जिन्होंने इतनी अच्छी देखभाल और इलाज दिया। उनकी मदद से मेरी जिंदगी बेहतर हो गई। अगर आप भी मोतियाबिंद सर्जरी करवाने के बारे में सोच रहे हैं, तो मैं Eye-Q की सिफारिश करती हूं। यह एक ऐसा फैसला है जिसने मेरी जिंदगी बदल दी।


      Sunita Kashyap

      Cataract Surgery’s Patient
    • मैं 82+ की उम्र में पिछले 2 सालों से मोतियाबिंद की समस्या से जूझ रही थी। महामारी के चुनौतीपूर्ण समय में भी, मैंने गुरुग्राम में एक उपयुक्त अस्पताल खोजने की बहुत कोशिश की, लेकिन सफलता नहीं मिली। तब मेरे बेटे, जो मेडिकल क्षेत्र में काम करते हैं, ने Google सर्च के माध्यम से Eye-Q अस्पताल के बारे में जानकारी पाई। उनके कुछ सहयोगियों ने, जिन्होंने Eye-Q में सफल इलाज कराया था, इसकी सकारात्मक सिफारिश की। इसके बाद हम Eye-Q के सेक्टर 46 ब्रांच में पहुंचे। वहां डॉक्टर्स की गहन जांच और स्टाफ के पेशेवर व्यवहार ने हमें बहुत प्रभावित किया। हमने आत्मविश्वास के साथ Eye-Q के सेक्टर 27 ब्रांच में सर्जरी कराने का निर्णय लिया। Eye-Q के डॉक्टर ने मेरी सर्जरी की, और मेरा अनुभव बहुत सकारात्मक रहा। मेरी दृष्टि में इतनी सुधार हुआ, जितनी मैंने उम्मीद भी नहीं की थी। अब मैं बिना चश्मे के दूर तक साफ देख सकती हूं, और मेरी जीवनशैली में बड़ा सुधार आया है। इलाज और अस्पताल के अतिथि-सत्कार से बेहद खुश होकर, हम अब दूसरी आंख की सर्जरी की तैयारी कर रहे हैं। मेरे बेटे को Eye-Q अस्पताल की उत्कृष्ट सेवाओं के लिए बहुत आभार है, और वे इसे अपने दोस्तों और सहयोगियों को बिना किसी झिझक के सिफारिश करेंगे।

      Sunita Bhadoriya

      Cataract Surgery’s Patient
    • पिछले 5-6 सालों से मैं दोनों आंखों में मोतियाबिंद के दर्द से परेशान था। एक साल पहले मैंने लेजर सर्जरी करवाई थी, लेकिन कोई राहत नहीं मिली। तभी मुझे गुरुग्राम के Eye-Q अस्पताल के बारे में पता चला। जैसे ही मैं वहां पहुंचा, अस्पताल का विश्वास और पेशेवरता मेरे पिछले अनुभवों से कहीं बेहतर लगी। Eye-Q के समर्पित स्टाफ की उत्कृष्ट देखभाल ने मुझ पर गहरी छाप छोड़ी। सर्जरी के बाद, मुझे जबरदस्त राहत और खुशी महसूस हुई, क्योंकि जो परेशानियां मुझे लंबे समय से सताती थीं, वे अब गायब हो गईं। इस सफर को देखते हुए, मुझे अब लगता है कि Eye-Q को चुनना मेरे जीवन के सबसे अच्छे फैसलों में से एक था। अगर आप भी एक ऐसे आई हॉस्पिटल की तलाश में हैं जो कुशल डॉक्टर, सहायक स्टाफ, विस्तृत जानकारी और किफायती इलाज प्रदान करे, तो प्रभु दयाल का अनुभव आपको Eye-Q सुपर-स्पेशियलिटी आई हॉस्पिटल्स को चुनने के लिए प्रेरित करेगा।

      Prabhu Dayal

      Cataract Surgery’s Patient
    • I am 23 and wore glasses since I was 13, which hindered my active lifestyle and passions like sports, driving, and gaming. With a prescription of 2.5, I wanted freedom from glasses and chose LASIK at Eye-Q based on my family’s positive experiences.
      The procedure was quick, lasting just 15 minutes, and the staff made the process smooth and comfortable. Post-surgery, my life has transformed—I can enjoy sports, drive, and game without any hindrance.
      I’m incredibly grateful to Eye-Q for their exceptional care and highly recommend them to anyone considering LASIK!

      Naman Khulbey

      Lasik Surgery’s Patient
    • Hello, my name is Anupma, and I am 24 years old from Lucknow, currently studying architecture. I’ve been wearing glasses since childhood, and because I love modeling, I often had to remove my glasses in front of the camera. It was quite inconvenient.
      A friend suggested I consider LASIK surgery at Eye-Q hospitals. The doctors and staff at Eye-Q were incredibly helpful and supportive throughout the process. I am extremely happy with the results of my surgery.
      I highly recommend Eye-Q for anyone considering LASIK or needing eye care. They truly take care of all your eye needs.


      Lasik Surgery’s Patient
    • Hi, my name is Amit, and I am 21 years old from Hisar. I was wearing glasses with a power of -5.5, and my prescription kept increasing, making it difficult for me to study for long hours.
      Eye-Q is a well-known hospital in Hisar, and my uncle recommended it to me. The staff and doctors at Eye-Q were incredibly helpful, and my surgery went really well.
      I am very satisfied with my experience and would suggest everyone visit Eye-Q for any eye care needs


      Lasik Surgery’s Patient
    • My name is Shagun, and I am 26 years old from Gurugram. After wearing glasses for 10 years, I wanted to get rid of them, along with my contact lenses. My mother’s friend recommended Eye-Q for LASIK surgery, so I decided to give it a try.
      Before the surgery, I was a little scared, but the doctor assured me that everything would be fine. The entire process took hardly 15-20 minutes. The staff at Eye-Q was really nice and supportive, which made the experience even better.
      Now, it feels amazing to see the world without glasses or contact lenses. I am extremely satisfied with the outcome and would highly recommend Eye-Q to anyone considering LASIK surgery.


      Lasik Surgery’s Patient
    • My name is Raj Bir Singh, I’m 40 years old, and I work as a deep-sea diver at Bombay High.
      I came to Eye-Q because I was having difficulty seeing clearly, which was affecting my work underwater. My vision problems were making it hard to perform my tasks safely and effectively.
      Eye-Q doctor examined me and recommended cataract surgery. The process was smooth, and the staff was incredibly cooperative and supportive. The surgery went well, and I experienced immediate improvement in my vision.
      Now, I have no issues with my sight and can perform my job without any difficulties. I am grateful for the excellent care I received at Eye-Q.
      I highly recommend Eye-Q to anyone experiencing vision problems. Thank you very much for restoring my sight and improving my quality of life.

      Raj Bir Singh

      Cataract Surgery’s Patient
    • Hi, my name is Sunil, and I’m 43 years old.
      I came to Eye-Q Hospital in October 2021 as a diabetic with severe retinal and cataract issues. I could barely see three feet in front of me. Thanks to Eye-Q doctors and their team, I underwent two successful surgeries. Before the surgeries, I struggled with basic tasks due to my poor vision. Now, I can see clearly up to 30-40 feet and live independently without relying on anyone else. The staff here treated me like family, always providing positive and supportive care.
      I wholeheartedly recommend Eye-Q to friends, relatives, and anyone in need of eye care. Their skill and compassion have truly transformed my life. Thank you, Eye Q, for giving me back my vision and independence.


      Cataract Surgery’s Patient
    • I am pleased with my whole experience at Eye-Q hospitals. Everyone was very caring and professional. I especially liked the personal counseling that was provided to me. It made me feel confident I would get the best result after LASIK surgery.

      Ms. Khyati Solanki

    • I was impressed by the staff and doctors of Eye-Q. After the surgery at EYE-Q hospitals, I am comfortable and have clear vision in my right eye with Multifocal Lens. I found it very convenient and long-term benefits.

      Mr. Jagdish Mehndiratta

    • Bladeless I-Lasik is really worth it. I’ve started seeing the world in a different way and more than anything I wanted to experience the world naturally without contact or glasses. I chose Eye-Q India because when it comes to your eyes you shouldn’t trust anyone but the best.

      Ms. Shaily Kalra


    Why Is Eye-Q Your Best Choice For Eye-Care?

    Why should you choose Eye-Q when there is an eye clinic now at every corner you turn and countless options for eye specialists near me? That is because Eye-Q Hospital's reputation comes from paying attention and equal importance to both patient satisfaction and modern treatment choices. 

    When you search for an eye hospital near me, Eye-Q India stands out. It is because Eye-Q Hospital believes in a strategy that focuses primarily on the patient which makes it one of the best eye hospitals in India. Each patient gets tailored advice and the eye specialists take the time to educate and guide the patient along with attending to their concerns. Such a personal approach blended with top-of-the-line infrastructure makes Eye-Q a name that people can trust for their vision care. When handled by the Eye-Q team, patients know that they are in the capable hands of eye specialists dedicated to eye health and improved vision. 

    Range Of Services Provided At Eye-Q Hospital

    A wide range of services covering almost all needs for eye care are offered by Eye-Q Hospital:

    • Although cataracts are one of the most common causes of visual impairment, the operation is rapid and less invasive thanks to contemporary methods like phacoemulsification and micro-incision surgeries. Eye-Q provides individualized cataract treatments based on each patient's requirements, assisting in vision restoration with the least amount of recovery time.
    • Lasik is a transformative technique for those who suffer from refractive problems. With their expertise in LASIK and other vision correction procedures, Eye-Q doctors guarantee accuracy, security, and successful outcomes. Eye-Q is a popular option for refractive procedures since it allows patients to restore clear vision without the inconvenience of glasses or contact lenses.
    • Due to its sluggish progression, glaucoma is sometimes referred to as the "quiet burglar of the sight". Continuous therapy and prompt discovery are crucial. To treat glaucoma and stop more vision loss, Eye-Q offers complete glaucoma care, which includes medications, pressure control, and procedures.
    • Diabetes can have an impact on eye health, resulting in disorders such as diabetic retinopathy. Employing cutting-edge imaging methods for prompt diagnosis and vision-preserving procedures Eye-Q provides specialist care for managing this issue. 
    • People of all age groups including children who might need gentle care are provided service at Eye-Q Hospital. Maintaining excellent eye health requires routine examinations and Eye-Q hospital's family-friendly settings ensure that patients of all age groups are at ease.

    With such a wide range of services, Eye-Q Hospital consistently proves to be the best eye hospital in India for people looking for a comprehensive strategy for eye care.