• By EYE Q India
  • August 8, 2022
Glaucoma / काला मोतिया

Glaucoma is an eye condition where your optic nerve gets damaged. It happens because of pressure in the eye nerves. The prevalence rate is 2.65%. It affects people of age group 40 and above.

Glaucoma is found mostly in old aged people. Glaucoma occurs simultaneously in both the eyes, though the effect may differ in each.

Symptoms of Glaucoma

A person suffering from glaucoma might have these symptoms:

  • One can have a hazy or blurred vision.
  • There can also be an appearance of rainbow-colored circles when around bright lights.
  • Other common symptoms found are severe eye and head pain, nausea, vomiting.
  • There may also a sudden loss of eyesight in some cases.

Most people do not have any eye pain or have any symptoms in the early stages of the disease. One of the symptoms can also be loss of peripheral or side vision.


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Causes of Glaucoma

If you have a history of glaucoma and you’re above 40 years of age, it is advisable to get a proper eye examination done as it can also be hereditary. It happens when eye fluid, known as aqueous humor, is not able to circulate properly in the eyes. A person suffering from diabetes is also at a high risk of developing glaucoma.

Other causes that can result in glaucoma include a severe eye injury or an eye infection, blockage of blood vessels, inflammatory conditions of the eye, and even eye surgery.

Treatment of Glaucoma

The eye doctor will examine your eyes through dilated pupils. The eye doctor will be able to spot the affected condition of the optic nerve through this test, a specific way it looks like when a person has glaucoma.

The eye doctor can also conduct a tonometry test to check the pressure on the optic nerve. He might also conduct a visual field test to check for peripheral loss of vision.

With our range of Glaucoma Treatment Services, you can rest assured that we follow world-class management practices.


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