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Retinopathy of prematurity | Magnitude, Causes, Signs, Treatments

What is ROP (Retinopathy of prematurity) : ROP is a potentially blinding disorder. Infants who are born before 38 weeks of gestation (pregnancy) are premature babies. In such babies, the blood vessels that feed the retina haven’t finished growing. Retinopathy of prematurity happens when, for some time, these stop growing, and then there is a… Continue reading Retinopathy of prematurity | Magnitude, Causes, Signs, Treatments

What is Retinal Detachment | Causes, Symptoms & Treatments

Dr. Deependra V. Singh ( Medical Director- Retina Services) Mrs. Sangeeta Mittal (Name Changed), a 54-year-old female was puzzled by strange sparking going on in her left eye. She started observing a lightning-like sensation that was more prominent in dark and would not disappear even after washing or rubbing her eyes. Sensing trouble, she consulted… Continue reading What is Retinal Detachment | Causes, Symptoms & Treatments

Blindness: Causes and Types | Eye-Q Hospital

Blindness is the inability to see anything with your eyes, even light. This loss in vision could be due to an injury or accident. A person with partial blindness has limited vision. It must be noted that the term blindness is used in the relative form and for a person with visual impairment or low… Continue reading Blindness: Causes and Types | Eye-Q Hospital

जानिए रेटिना ट्रीटमेंट के बारे में!

Retina Treatment In Hindi

मानव के शरीर के सबसे एहम हिस्सा आँख होती है, जिसमें सबसे नाज़ुक रेटिना होता है। रेटिना की मदद से हम लोग सामने होने वाली हलचल को देख और समझ पते हैं। बदलते लाइफस्टाइल और हमारी नज़रान्दाज़ करने की आदत के कारण हमारी आँखों में होने वाली समस्या बढ़ती नज़र आ रही है। उन्ही समस्याओं… Continue reading जानिए रेटिना ट्रीटमेंट के बारे में!

Eye Diseases: Eye problems you must not ignore

Eye Diseases

When studying science, most of us have learnt that the human eye functions like a camera and the retina acts like a film. The retina is a light sensitive tissue, which reacts to incoming light and sends the image to the brain through the optic nerve. Needless to say, any problem in the retina disrupts the… Continue reading Eye Diseases: Eye problems you must not ignore