9 Tips for a Smooth Recovery After Retina Surgery

Our eyes are potentially one of the most delicate organs in our body, playing one of the most significant tasks of letting us view the beautiful world around us. However, there are times when severe complications like retinal detachment, macular holes, or diabetic retinopathy can impact the retina inadvertently. In times like these, retina surgery… Continue reading 9 Tips for a Smooth Recovery After Retina Surgery

How Long Does It Take to Recover from Retina Surgery?

Retina surgery is a crucial procedure for preserving or restoring vision, especially when the retina, a thin layer at the back of the eye, is damaged. If you or a loved one is preparing for or has recently undergone retina surgery, understanding the recovery timeline is important. Recovery times vary based on the type of… Continue reading How Long Does It Take to Recover from Retina Surgery?

Precautions to Follow After Squint Surgery

Squint surgery, medically known as strabismus surgery, helps correct misalignment of the eyes. It is an effective procedure that improves both vision and appearance. However, the recovery process plays a crucial role in ensuring the success of the surgery. Following proper precautions after squint surgery can make a significant difference in healing and achieving the… Continue reading Precautions to Follow After Squint Surgery

11 Expert Tips for Quick Recovery After Cataract Surgery

Are you or a loved one preparing for cataract surgery? While the prospect of achieving a clearer vision is certainly exciting, it’s natural to have concerns about the recovery process. Cataract surgery is one of the most common and successful procedures performed worldwide, with over 10 million surgeries each year. Given its widespread nature, understanding… Continue reading 11 Expert Tips for Quick Recovery After Cataract Surgery

How Does Eye Flu Spread?

Eye flu, also referred to as Conjunctivitis or pink eye, is a highly contagious eye infection that affects millions worldwide. To avail the best treatments for eye flu, you can visit Eye Q Hospitals chains in India. It is one of the leading hospital chains offering top-notch medical services for all eye-related complications. We have… Continue reading How Does Eye Flu Spread?

How Long Before Retinal Detachment Causes Blindness

How Long Before Retinal Detachment Causes Blindness

Retinal detachment is a medical emergency that has to be treated right away. The retina, a tiny layer of tissue at the back of the eye that processes light, sustains this injury as it pushes away from its natural position. You might lose vision in the afflicted eye if nothing is done. It is for… Continue reading How Long Before Retinal Detachment Causes Blindness

म्यूकोरमाइकोसिस: लक्षण, निदान और उपचार

mucormycosis symptoms in hindi

म्यूकोरमाइकोसिस, जिसे आमतौर पर ब्लैक फंगस के रूप में जाना जाता है, एक दुर्लभ लेकिन गंभीर फंगल संक्रमण है जो म्यूकोरमाइसेट्स नामक मोल्ड्स के समूह के कारण होता है। ये मोल्ड पूरे पर्यावरण में पाए जाते हैं, खासकर मिट्टी और सड़ते हुए कार्बनिक पदार्थों में। यह संक्रमण मुख्य रूप से कमज़ोर प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली वाले व्यक्तियों… Continue reading म्यूकोरमाइकोसिस: लक्षण, निदान और उपचार

How To Prevent Eye Damage From Diabetes

How To Prevent Eye Damage From Diabetes

Diabetes is categorised as a metabolic illness because the metabolism of sugar is interfered with due to this disorder. Due to the breakdown of this process, the body can’t make enough insulin or in some cases is unable to use it correctly. The hormone insulin is responsible for converting sugar into glucose so that the… Continue reading How To Prevent Eye Damage From Diabetes

रेटिना का घरेलू उपचार

वर्तमान समय में आंखों की समस्या आम होती जा रही है। स्मार्टफोन और कंप्यूटर स्क्रीन के बढ़ते संपर्क के कारण लोगों में दृष्टि संबंधी समस्याएं बढ़ रही हैं। यहां तक कि लंबे समय तक टेलीविजन देखने के कारण बच्चों में भी दृष्टि संबंधी समस्याएं विकसित होने का खतरा अधिक होता है। हमारी आंखों के स्वास्थ्य… Continue reading रेटिना का घरेलू उपचार

रेटिना खराब होने के लक्षण

रेटिना आंख की सबसे भीतरी परत है, और इसमें कई प्रकाश-संवेदनशील फोटोरिसेप्टर कोशिकाएं होती हैं। ये कोशिकाएं प्रकाश का पता लगाती हैं और इसे विद्युत संकेतों में परिवर्तित करती हैं, जो ऑप्टिक तंत्रिका के माध्यम से मस्तिष्क तक जाती हैं, जिसके परिणामस्वरूप दृष्टि उत्पन्न होती है। रेटिनल विकार रेटिना को प्रभावित करते हैं और आम… Continue reading रेटिना खराब होने के लक्षण

Motiyabind Ka Gharelu Upchar


मोतियाबिंद, एक ऐसी स्थिति जिसमें आंख का लेंस धुंधला हो जाता है, दृष्टि को खराब कर देता है और अगर इसका इलाज न किया जाए तो अंततः अंधापन हो सकता है। जबकि मोतियाबिंद आम तौर पर उम्र से संबंधित होते हैं, वे आघात, विकिरण के संपर्क में आने या मधुमेह जैसी विशिष्ट चिकित्सा स्थितियों के… Continue reading Motiyabind Ka Gharelu Upchar

How Long Do I Need to Wear Dark Glasses Outside After Cataract Surgery?


You probably have a lot of concerns regarding recuperation whether you’ve had cataract surgery recently or are getting ready to undergo one. Light sensitivity following the operation is among the most frequent worries patients experience. Specifically, “How long do I need to wear dark glasses outside after cataract surgery?” is a query that many patients… Continue reading How Long Do I Need to Wear Dark Glasses Outside After Cataract Surgery?

Showering And Washing Hair After Cataract Surgery


Although having a cataract surgery might feel like a big deal, it is actually a rather short and painless process that has a big impact on your eyesight. Despite how straightforward the procedure may be, extra attention is needed throughout the healing phase. How should I handle everyday tasks like showering and washing hair after… Continue reading Showering And Washing Hair After Cataract Surgery

Things To Avoid With Retinal Detachment


Retinal detachment is an emergency medical eye condition when your retina separates from the back of your eye. The retina is a thin layer of tissue that is at the back of the eye which captures light and sends messages to the brain. Consult Eye Q eye hospital in India to get yourself treated. However,… Continue reading Things To Avoid With Retinal Detachment

Do’s and Don’ts After Cataract Surgery


If you recently had cataract surgery, you might be pleased that it’s done, but you should keep in mind that your healing process is still ongoing. If you visit a respected eye hospital like Eye-Q Eye Care Hospital, you may be certain that cataract surgery is both safe and very successful. Nonetheless, there are some… Continue reading Do’s and Don’ts After Cataract Surgery

Precautions After Cataract Operation


Now that you’ve had cataract surgery, or you may be considering it, you undoubtedly want to know what comes next and what vital safety measures need to be followed following the procedure. Put an end to your continuous worries since you’ve come to the correct spot. Our skilled staff at Eye-Q Super Speciality Eye Hospital… Continue reading Precautions After Cataract Operation

How Diabetes Affects Eyesight


Did you realise that diabetes can also lead to serious visual issues in addition to cardiac problems? Diabetes-related eye illness is a health problem that, if ignored, can seriously damage the retina and possibly result in partial or complete blindness. With more than 420 million individuals worldwide suffering from the disease, knowing the hazards diabetes… Continue reading How Diabetes Affects Eyesight

How To Prevent Eye Damage From Diabetes: Top 10 Steps


The incidence of diabetes is rising at a fast speed and it is a severe, lifelong disease that can only be managed with proper care and medications. You need to understand that diabetes and eyesight (diabetes can curse your sight) related issues are closely linked, which makes it important that you check your sugar levels… Continue reading How To Prevent Eye Damage From Diabetes: Top 10 Steps

How To Improve Eyesight Naturally: Learn More with Eye Q


To navigate the environment around us with clarity, accuracy, and safety, one must maintain a strong vision. Even though several things might affect our vision, there are natural ways to get better vision. We’ll look at practical methods and lifestyle adjustments in this extensive blog article that can improve the health of your eyes. We… Continue reading How To Improve Eyesight Naturally: Learn More with Eye Q